Dhorpatan Trek

01. Jumla bazar to Manisagu

Actually we were thinking to go to Chotra for overnight stay though we left from Jumla a bit late. We had to follow the road all the way in sunny day. It was dusty as well as very hot on the way. We took a break at beautiful place Guthi chaur for lunch. But it was not as beautiful as before after opening road. As per hotel owner, Chotra seemed far for that day. So, we trekked up to Manisagu and stayed at a riverside teahouse. Unexpectedly that teahouse became one of our favorite teahouses of entire trek.

02. Manisagu to Kaigau.

We were not sure to get to Kaigau that day. Luckily shortly after leaving from Manisagu, we met a tractor who is taking road construction labors and goods. We also rode tractor with them. It was super bumpy as well as funny in the greenery jungle. They dropped us at the bottom of the Maure Lagna and headed to different way. We could save at least 3:30 hours’ time which was great relief for us. Then we steep climbed up to Maure Lagna. After having lunch at Maure, we got down to Chaurikot and then straight to Kaigau all the way by road.

03. Kaigau to leku

It was quite steep uphill even from Kaigau. After hard climb up, we got to top. Then we followed the road to Balangra pass. We hardly reached to the pass for lunch. From Balangra , we descended to Liku by passing few villages.

04. Leku to Dunai to Eiji

We trekked down to Tiprikot and took a jeep up to Dunai. After lunch, we followed the road until Thalagau. Then local trail began inside the pine forest which was quite steep up. From Deurali, hard part was over, and it was just gradual up. We passed the Kamtok which was last village. Unexpectedly we reached to Ejji before sun set. There were only two Buffalo huts. We stayed with them that night.

05. Ejji to Purbang

We left in the morning just having tea. But we missed the right trail in the jungle. Luckily, we met few peoples who were getting back home from collecting Cordi Seip. They suggested us to take the right direction. We kept climbing but took quite long time even to get to the bottom of the Jaula pass. There were many tents of the cordyceps collectors. It was thick snow on the way which made us difficult to cross the Jangla pass. After pass, we descended all the way to Purbang. There were hundreds of Tents including tea shops and restaurants. There we also set up our tent for sleeping but had our food from tent tea shop.

06. Purbang to Dhule

Shortly after leaving from Purbang, it was long ascending to cross another hill. We stopped at Pupal for tea break where also many tent houses were. Then we descended to Dhule which took quite longer than we expected time.

07. Dhule to Thakur

By descending from Dhule, we took a lunch break at Tato Pani (hot spring). Then climbed up very steeply until Kayadanda. Despite the extrema climb up, we felt relax at Kayamdada because of its beautiful scenery. We took a tea break there to enjoy the scenery. From Kayamdada, it was quite downhill and uphill again to get to Thakur. There were two basic lodges and few buffalo huts as well at Thakur.

08. Thakur to Dhorpatan to Kathmandu.

After breakfast with local mushroom, we began to climb up Fagune pass. Weather was superb that day. There were many buffalo huts and sheep huts in the Fagune area. View was amazing along the way. After Fagune pass, we got down all the way to Dhorpatan. It was really beautiful place in the huge plain land surrounded by pine forest around. But we decided to continue our journey and rode a local jeep up to Burtibang.  Then we cought a night bus for Kathmandu from Burtibang.