Upper Mustang Trek

Day 01. Pokhara to Jomsom

We left from Pokhara by Landcruzer all the way. From Beni, it was bumpy drive due to rough road. We took lunch break at Dana and continued the journey. It was paved road from Kalapani again. We enjoyed the smooth drive to Jomsom with beautiful sceneries.

Day 02. Jomsom to Kakbeni

As soon as leaving from Jomsom we crossed the Kaligandaki (black) river. Then we mostly followed the road. As usual, wind blowing started after 10 am. It was super windy along the way. we had our lunch at Eklebhatti and headed to Kakbeni. Kakbeni was a bit crowded due to pilgrimage groups who were heading to Muktinath.

Day 03. Kakbeni to Chhyusang

After checking permit in ACAP office, we left from Kakbeni. We followed the road. Jeeps were heading up and down on the way. It was colorful arid landscape along the way. We took lunch break at Tangbe and headed to Chhyusang by road again. Despite the arid landscape elsewhere, they had quite greenery farmland at every village.

Day 04. Chhyusang to Samar

We followed the road until crossing Kaligandaki river and climbed up by trekking trail. After passing Chele, we headed to Syang village to avoid the road. Syang was quite old village with beautiful farmland. Then we headed to Samar through newly opened road track.

Day 05. Samar to Syangboche

Although it was a bit longer, we followed the trekking trail instead of road. Shortly after leaving from Samar, it was downhill and uphill frequently. But we enjoyed the greenery of pine trees on the way. Before reaching to Syangboche we visited to the Cave where Guru Rinpoche had meditated long time ago. Few monks were also there who offered us butter tea. Then we ascended to Syangboche in the scorching sun.

Day 06. Syangboche to Ghami

Because of long up and down in Geling route, we followed the Jaite route. We tried to walk shortcut trail on roadside. We had a tea break at Jaite where we enjoyed the latte. Then we ascended to kangla pass and descended until Ghami. Good thing they had opened trekking trail as well. Ghami was a bigger village with plenty of farmland.

Day 07. Ghami to Charang

After short downhill from Ghami, we did quite long ascending to Amphula pass. And then long descending to Charang. Charang was a second biggest village of upper mustang. There was a former royal palace and huge monastery as well.

Day 08. Charang to Lomanthang

That day we followed the road almost all the way.  Trail was gradual uphill. We passed a huge Stupa built in traditional way. After passing Army barrack, we reached to top of the Kangla pass. We enjoyed the breathtaking panaromic view from the pass. Then finally we descended to Lomanthang , capital of former Lo – kingdom. Traditionally all houses would have been built by mud, stone and wood. So Lomanthang is known as a mud city.

Day 09. Lomanthang to Chhyoser to Lomanthang

It was something like sightseeing day. So, we took a jeep and reached to Chhyoser after an hour drive. First of all, we visited to Rachen cave which was 5 Storey with dozens of rooms and windows built by cutting mud inside. Then we visited hundreds of years old few monasteries around and returned to Lomanthang.

Day 10. Explore the Tiji festival.

It was a first day of the festival which they celebrate 3 days every year. As usual, youth monks performed different types of religious dance in the premier of royal palace. There were quite crowds of local as well as foreign tourists to observe the festival. In the evening, local youth club had organized cultural show program.

Day 11. Explore the Tiji festival.

One of our team members left from Lomanthang with assistant guide. Rest of us stayed there. It was the main day of the festival. So, there was more crowds of locals compared to previous day. Former King’s son had also attended as a chief guest as a cultural king.

Day 12. Lomanthang to Jomsom

We took a Jeep again and headed to Jomsom. We had our lunch at Chhyusang where our other team members also joined with us. Then we straight drove to Jomsom and two of them also arrived in the late evening.

Day 13. Jomsom to Pokhara

One of our team members took morning flight from Jomsom . After sending him Pokhara, rest of us took Jeep and headed to Pokhara. We reached to Pokhara in the evening due to late departure from Jomsom.

Dhorpatan Trek

01. Jumla bazar to Manisagu

Actually we were thinking to go to Chotra for overnight stay though we left from Jumla a bit late. We had to follow the road all the way in sunny day. It was dusty as well as very hot on the way. We took a break at beautiful place Guthi chaur for lunch. But it was not as beautiful as before after opening road. As per hotel owner, Chotra seemed far for that day. So, we trekked up to Manisagu and stayed at a riverside teahouse. Unexpectedly that teahouse became one of our favorite teahouses of entire trek.

02. Manisagu to Kaigau.

We were not sure to get to Kaigau that day. Luckily shortly after leaving from Manisagu, we met a tractor who is taking road construction labors and goods. We also rode tractor with them. It was super bumpy as well as funny in the greenery jungle. They dropped us at the bottom of the Maure Lagna and headed to different way. We could save at least 3:30 hours’ time which was great relief for us. Then we steep climbed up to Maure Lagna. After having lunch at Maure, we got down to Chaurikot and then straight to Kaigau all the way by road.

03. Kaigau to leku

It was quite steep uphill even from Kaigau. After hard climb up, we got to top. Then we followed the road to Balangra pass. We hardly reached to the pass for lunch. From Balangra , we descended to Liku by passing few villages.

04. Leku to Dunai to Eiji

We trekked down to Tiprikot and took a jeep up to Dunai. After lunch, we followed the road until Thalagau. Then local trail began inside the pine forest which was quite steep up. From Deurali, hard part was over, and it was just gradual up. We passed the Kamtok which was last village. Unexpectedly we reached to Ejji before sun set. There were only two Buffalo huts. We stayed with them that night.

05. Ejji to Purbang

We left in the morning just having tea. But we missed the right trail in the jungle. Luckily, we met few peoples who were getting back home from collecting Cordi Seip. They suggested us to take the right direction. We kept climbing but took quite long time even to get to the bottom of the Jaula pass. There were many tents of the cordyceps collectors. It was thick snow on the way which made us difficult to cross the Jangla pass. After pass, we descended all the way to Purbang. There were hundreds of Tents including tea shops and restaurants. There we also set up our tent for sleeping but had our food from tent tea shop.

06. Purbang to Dhule

Shortly after leaving from Purbang, it was long ascending to cross another hill. We stopped at Pupal for tea break where also many tent houses were. Then we descended to Dhule which took quite longer than we expected time.

07. Dhule to Thakur

By descending from Dhule, we took a lunch break at Tato Pani (hot spring). Then climbed up very steeply until Kayadanda. Despite the extrema climb up, we felt relax at Kayamdada because of its beautiful scenery. We took a tea break there to enjoy the scenery. From Kayamdada, it was quite downhill and uphill again to get to Thakur. There were two basic lodges and few buffalo huts as well at Thakur.

08. Thakur to Dhorpatan to Kathmandu.

After breakfast with local mushroom, we began to climb up Fagune pass. Weather was superb that day. There were many buffalo huts and sheep huts in the Fagune area. View was amazing along the way. After Fagune pass, we got down all the way to Dhorpatan. It was really beautiful place in the huge plain land surrounded by pine forest around. But we decided to continue our journey and rode a local jeep up to Burtibang.  Then we cought a night bus for Kathmandu from Burtibang.

Rara lake Trek

01. Simikot to Sunakhada

We straightly got down from Simikot to Kharpunath. And followed the road in the bank of Karnali river. We met hundreds of mules along the way. We had a lunch break at Yangchu bazar and headed to Sunakhada which was located in the river side.

02. Sunakhada to Piplang

We followed the road until Chhahare and crossed the Karnali river by suspension bridge. Some of the Army men were blasting the cliff to connect road to Simikot. Later we crossed the Karnali river at Sayaltadi and followed the road again. We took a lunch break at Sarkighat which was quite far away than we thought. Then we followed the road again and headed to Piplang for night stay.

03. Piplang to Sat Thaple

After chit chat with tea house owner, we were excited to go to Bhama further up than Sat thaple. After Piplang, we steep climbed up around 600m and passed the beautiful villages Darma & Deuli. Then we had a tea break at Boharagau and headed to Sat thaple for lunch. But surprisingly, we had to climbed up long uphill frequently and reached to Sat thaple at around 3pm only. Bhama was out of our imagination that day.

04. Sat Thaple to Gamgadi

After short downhill, it long climbed up to Changkheli pass. Then we walked very long downhill to Bhama. Although Bhama was quite unique and old village, we left from there due to lack of proper tea house. It was quite long downhills and uphill again. We could get to Gamgadi in the evening only. Gamgadi was quite big town.

05. Gamgadi to Rara lake

We walked around the town in the morning and left from there after lunch. Trail was uphill with nice valley views. We passed few homestays on the way. Then we entered into the national park. Gradually we had beautiful glimpse of Rara lake even from pine forest. Rara was really huge as well as pretty impressive lake. There were only 2 hotels close to Rara lake.

06. Rara lake exploration

We enjoyed our time frequently visiting around the lake.

07. Rara to Bhulbhule
After heavy breakfast, we followed the trail to Talcha airport. After an hour walk which was almost a quarter circle of the lake, we began to climb up to Chuchchemara hill. The more climb up Rara lake was more visible. After tiring climb up, finally we reached to top. We felt chuchchemara was the best viewpoint to observe the Rara lake in overall. Then we gradually got down to Bhulbhule.

08. Bhulbhule to Jumla bazar
We got down to Chautha and headed towards Nyaurighat by road. Then began long climb up to Daphe lagna. Luckily some part had shortcut trail.
Many cattle and sheep were grazing in the Daphe lagna. We also felt quite refreshment over there. After chit chat with shepherds, we got down all the way to Jumla bazar.

Humla (Limi valley) Trek

Day 01. Fly to Nepalganj

We took morning flight from Pokhara. It was about half an hour flight. We felt unbearable hot to get to 42 degrees at Nepalganj from 25 degree in Pokhara.

Day 02. Fly to Simikot and trek to Dhadkermi

We had to wait at airport until flying off previous day’s passengers. Then we flew around 8 am. Our plane landed at Simikot after 40 min by passing Terai (plain land), hilly regions and mountain range. We left some of our hiking gears at Simikot hotel and started the trek. It was uphill until Lagna (pass) and then long descending. From Dadaphaya, we trekked on the road under the hot sun. We passed few villages and stopped at Dhadkermi for night stay.

Day 03. Dhadkermi to Muchu

There was no more trekking trail except road. We followed the road from Dhadkermi.  We passed the beautiful village Kermi. Trail was gradual uphill and downhill. It was superb view of jungle and snowcapped mountains. We took a tea break at Salli khola and headed to Yalbang for lunch. Yalbang was a bigger village, where located high school, monastery and village municipality office also. Then we headed to Muchu with downhill and steep uphill again.

Day 04. Muchu to Yari

Downhill to the Thumkot. Then crossed the Karnali river and climbed up to Langna around 600m.Then we gradually climbed up to Yari by road.

Day 05. Yari to Hilsa

We followed the road in the foggy weather. All the way was uphill. Initially raining, slowly began to snow fall and continued until we crossed the Nara pass. After getting down from pass somewhere road was blocked by avalanche and small rocks were also falling. Slowly we got below the clouds level and could see some views also. Finally, we reached to Hilsa after long descending.

Day 06. Hilsa to Til

As soon as crossing Karnali river around 600m climbed up. Then easy way up to Manepeme by road. After that frequent crazy uphill and short downhill until Til. It was really impressive village because of lively tradition and culture.

Day 07. Til to Tumling

After warm hospitality at Til, we descended to Tiljung and followed the rough road along the Karnali river. When we reached to Halji, whole villagers were busy on farm. We walked up along the river again and stopped at Zhang for lunch. And then we followed the road again until Tumling by passing beautiful Yak pastureland. We had nice break at Yak hut also on the way.

Day 08. Tumling to Nyala and back to Tumling

As soon as leaving from Tumling we crossed Karnali river by bare foot. Luckily there was a hot spring after crossing freezing cold   Karnali. Then we ascended little bit and began flat way by all the way road. We saw many groups of wild horse. From the bottom of the Nyala, we climbed up in the snow. Due to thick snow on the way, my friend did not like to continue pass. So we had to get back to Tumling by crossing Karnali river again.

Day 09. Tumling to Halji

It was wonderful weather in the morning. After breakfast, we left from Tumling. I took bath in hot spring on the way. Without stopping at Zhang, we straightly headed to Halji where numerous villagers were farming in the field as the day before yesterday. Although it was just half day trek, we decided to spend overnight there due to extremely tough trek on previous day.

Day 10. Halji to Hilsa

We left from halji early morning and walked on the road until Tiljung. Then ascended to Till and followed the narrow path with frequent downhills till to Manepema. Then we followed the rough road again until getting to Hilsa.

Day 11. Hilsa to Simikot

Early morning, we rode a Truck which we had arranged previous day. It was cloudy weather, snowing at Nara la Pass. After breakfast at Yari, Truck droves straight to Yalbang which was their last point. We waited there until Tractor arrived from Hilsa. Then we also took tractor all the way to Simikot. Really unable to describe how bumpy drive it was.